Saturday, March 28, 2015


“When kids can get their lessons from the internet, what’s left for classroom instructors to do?”
By: Michael Godsey
Level of Difficulty: ***
1.       By describing the utopia that is the classroom of the future, the writer is trying to convey the message that………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2.       Why do teachers of the future need to be pretty near perfect?
3.       Read as far as the asterisk and decide whether the following are true or false:
·         The writer is concerned about the future
·         The writer feels his training has prepared him well for the future
·         The increasing use of technology in the classroom will make teachers experts in their fields
4.       The two factors that are changing the role of the teacher in the learning process are:
5.       Which  concluding statement is more appropriate for the paragraph beginning “And the teachers unions”
·         The crowdsourcing of teaching material via the internet is inevitable
·         The crowdsourcing of teaching material is big business
·         The crowdsourcing of teaching material is humanitarian
·         The crowdsourcing of teaching material was bound to take place
6.       The easy access to material via the internet enables modern teachers to focus more on…………………………..; something they weren’t able to do in the past.
7.       Which of the statements below would best follow the sentence beginning” Or to put more euphemistically…”?
·         That is to say, the teacher needs to guide, control and help when needed
·         That is to say, the teacher needs to let students get on with the lesson
·         That is to say, modern technology is in and the teacher is out.
8.       The major advantage of the flipped learning model is that it enables……………………….
9.       What is the prognosis for blended learning?
10.   Project based learning is both intellectually and psychologically advantageous as students in such a system are…………………………………..on the one hand and…………………………………….on the other.
11.   Why is the system of flipped learning being deserted?
12.   After studying Edmodo, the writer discovered that there was in fact no need for him to………………………………………………………………………………………………..
13.   In what way does Activate Instruction replicate teachers?
14.   Read down as far as the asterisk (“Try five or ten”) and decide whether the following are true or false.
·         The sharing of teaching material via the internet is called Netflix for teachers
·         The sharing of teaching material via the internet has some definite upsides
·         The sharing of teaching material via the internet encourages collaboration
·         The sharing of teaching material via the internet simplifies teaching
·         The writer is critical of sites like and
15.   The writer feels that commonsense demands that he……………………………………………………
16.   The writer feels he could be pro active in the new system and carve out a place for himself by………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
17.   Read the paragraph beginning “I looked through the current trends”. Which of the topic sentences below would best fit this paragraph?
·         Scripted instruction has some definite advantages
·         Scripted instruction raises standards in education
·         Scripted instruction is more inclusive in its reach
·         Scripted instruction is efficient and egalitarian
18.   Read Sugate Mitra’s views on the future of education. What are the possible disadvantages of such a system? Personal answer.
19.   Read the remainder of the text and decide whether the following are true or false?
·         The writer is very concerned about the future of teaching and the teacher
·         The writer is completely against the new high tech teaching environment
·         The writer has certain reservations about the new teaching environment
·         The writer feels the teacher should have an important role to play in the new teaching environment
You have been asked to comment on the text you have just read by the writer. What do you tell him? Listen to Sugata Mitra’s talks on TED and write about where you stand in relation to the future of education. What do you feel about the use of technology and how it should be used? Do you believe in the system of blended learning?
This fascinating text paints a somewhat disturbing picture concerning the future of education and while accepting the undeniable advantages of the extensive sharing of material made possible by the internet, hints at some serious drawbacks. He also points out that the utopia we think is being created may in fact be a dystopia. The reading task should lead to an exciting writing activity as the topic is so controversial.
1.       The role of the public school teacher is shifting from “content expert” to curriculum facilitator”.
2.       Because the internet pretty much supplies everything we need.
3.       T, F, F
4.       The ever increasing ease of access to the web and the fact that the intellectual property that once belonged to teachers is now openly available on the internet. (The emergence of the internet is not an answer because mentioning the ease of access to the web makes it unnecessary)
5.       The second
6.       Individualized instruction
7.       The first
8.       Students to gain control of the learning process
9.       Half of high school classes will be delivered online by 2019
10.   Curious, engaged / Collaborative, social (Not all the points in the chart apply to students. The learning is self organized.)
11.   Because there are now thousands of professional videos to choose from
12.   Compile all the resources
13.   It organizes the video lessons and puts them together in a sensible order
14.   F, T, F, T, F
15.   Appreciate the modern efficiency of today’s resources, and reinvest his time as their enthusiastic guide on the side
16.   Trying to make six figures on the open market at or as a curriculum designer for a private company
17.   The last one. The first is too general, the second and the third only cover part of the paragraph.
18.    Socialization will suffer, children won’t be able to play sports, games etc, they will not get enough face to face contact, the nature of man will change, people may end up lonely and cut off from each other and this could lead to all manner of psychological problems.

19.   T, F, T, T

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