Tuesday, October 30, 2012


“We can learn a lot from psychopaths. Certain aspects of their personalities and intellect are often hallmarks of success”
By: Kevin Dutton
Published: Scientific American, October 12, 2012; http://scientificamerican.com Alternatively, google the title and writer’s name.
Level of difficulty: ***
Documentary to watch
·         “I am fishead: are corporate leaders psychopaths?” http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/i-am-fishead-are-corporate-leaders-psychopaths/  
·          “I, psychopath”  http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/i-psychopath/
                    “Psychopath” http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/psychopath/

It is suggested that you watch and make notes on videos concerning the qualities of leaders, CEO, business leaders as well as serious criminals (try ted.com). When you have done so, discuss what you have learnt with your friends. Make a note of the conclusions you reach. Then access the following podcast and listen carefully. You will find the accompanying text on the same sight. Copy paste to access:

1.       Why do some people continue along their chosen path with a complete disregard for social, moral and legal consequences? Be explicit.
2.       Read paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5. What is the point the writer is trying to make? Use your own words.
3.       What is your personal opinion of Doctor Geraghty?
4.       What does “these” refer to in the phrase “claims like these” in paragraph 8?
5.       What do you think is meant by the term “inner city”? Use your own words.
6.       What do you think is meant by the term “soundtrack” in this text? Use your own words.
7.       Read as far as Trolleyology. Was the initial hypothesis of the writer proved or disproved as a result of the experiment? What is the implication of this result?
Read the section titled “Trolleyology” to the end.
8.       In what respect do the reactions of normal people and psychopaths resemble each other? With respect to their reaction to …………………………………………………………………………………………
9.       In what respect do the reactions of normal people and psychopaths differ from each other? With respect to their reaction to ……………………………………………………………………………………………
10.   What specific physical difference is observed in psychopaths?
11.   The above means that in the case of psychopaths, reasoning / rational thought / empathy doesn’t / don’t enter the mix. Circle the correct answers.
Read “The Psychopath Mix”
12.   In the study conducted by Board and Fritzon, serial killers and mass murderers greatly surpassed business leaders in the following aspects: ………………………………………………………
13.   Does Mehmet Mahmout’s research prove or disprove Board and Fritzon’s findings? How do you know?
14.   What does “This” refer to in the phrase “This, Mahmout suggests, means that the two groups should not be viewed…”
15.   What surprising finding was made in the study involving first year undergraduates? Use your own words.
16.   Why is insensitivity considered such an asset by businessmen? Use your own words.
Write a definition essay discussing the qualities of an ideal CEO. Use the notes you made while listening and watching videos, the information you gleaned from the text and the plan below.
In your introduction, discuss the modern business world, the rise of large conglomerates and multinationals and the displacement of the owner-manager by high power CEO. End your introduction with a thesis statement: A successful CEO needs to have various positive and negative characteristics to be able to achieve his goals.
In your first developmental paragraph, discuss the following qualities: determination, charm, fearlessness, focus and curiosity. Remember to provide a topic sentence and examples.
In your second developmental paragraph, discuss ruthlessness, insensitivity and lack of morals. Remember to provide a topic sentence and examples.
In your conclusion, make a restatement.
If any text has a wow factor, this is it. In terms capturing the attention of the students, this text is off the charts! I expect it to fly. Also, the text comes up with some surprising and interesting information guaranteeing that attention won’t wander. There is text related writing task but I do suggest a few videos off ted.com concerning the qualities of CEO and a discussion first.
1.       Because they have a grandiose sense of self worth, persuasiveness, superficial charm, ruthlessness, lack of remorse and the ability to manipulate others.
2.       Possible answer: All these examples share various qualities.
3.       Open ended.
4.       Paragraph 7, starting “the arsonist……” then “the kid with a knife….”
5.       A serious psychopath.
6.       The selection of psychopathic traits.
7.       It was proved. Zeroing in on weakness may well be part of a serial killers tool kit.
8.       The first experiment; OR: in the case of an impersonal moral dilemna
9.       The second case. OR: in the case of a personal moral dilemna
10.   In psychopaths, the amygdale and related brain circuits remain dark.
11.   Empathy.
12.   Law breaking, physical aggression and impulsivity
13.   It proves it. Other studies seem to confirm the mixing deck picture…
14.   The fact that patterns of brain dysfunction observed in criminal and non criminal psychopaths exhibit dimensional rather than discrete differences.
15.   CEO, spies, politicians, the military, serial killers, assassins and bank robbers were put together in one group.
16.   It means they don’t have a conscience to distress them 

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