Tuesday, October 2, 2012



1.      What kind of a child were you? Well behaved or naughty? Did you get into fights or misbehave? Were you in the habit of pushing the boundaries?
2.      If you were in the habit of misbehaving, what were your reasons? Curiosity? Your friends? Boredom? Or was there some other reason?
3.      What were your parents’ and teachers’ reaction to your misbehaviour? Grounding? Scolding? Slapping? Beating? Or did they react in some other way?
4.      How common are slapping and beating in our country? What do you think the reason is? Are the caregivers harassed? Are they overworked or stressed? Or do they not stop to think?
5.      Do you think there is a culture of corporal punishment in our country; if so what effects do you think it has?
After working through the discussion questions at the beginning and giving the students plenty of opportunity to voice their opinions, distribute the texts. DON’T DISTRIBUTE THE TEXTS UNTIL THE DISCUSSION IS COMPLETE. Parenting is a very familiar problem in our country and it will be interesting to see how the students view the issue. The information the text provides should be a real eye opener.
1.                  Read the stories of Merle and Ben. What is the reason for this tantrum phase?
Increasing independence and willfulness collide with emotional and verbal immaturity.(P. 3)
2.                  How should excessive tantrums be dealt with?
Professional attention / They may be a harbinger of psychiatric behaviour issues, including depression and a propensity for violence. (P. 5) At this point you may want to stop for a discussion; especially as all the reasons are listed in paragraph six. Give students an opportunity to do some previewing and predicting.
3.                  Now have a look at paragraph seven and state clearly what you think belligerent and curtail mean. No dictionaries!
Aggressive / control
4.                  In paragraph ten, the writer says “This behaviour is quite typical.” What is he referring to?
a.                  Sarah’s playing with the pocket book.
b.                 The fact that her mother yanked it away.
c.                   The fact that her mother took it away saying “Come on Sarah; do we really have to do this right now?
d.                 All of the above
e.                  Howling
The answer is “howling”. The students will need to read the whole of paragraph ten to make certain of the answer. You might want to stop for a few words here as the mother’s reaction is fairly typical in Turkey. The students may have anecdotes to tell.
5.                  In paragraph twelve, the writer says “The result is disappointment and rage”. What results in rage? Why is the result rage?
Not understanding why. (P. 11) The result of not understanding why is rage./ Unable to express their feelings with words, the toddlers discharge them with….. Again, it is suggested that you stop here and discuss paragraph thirteen in preparation for the writing task.
6.                  In paragraph fourteen, Ben’s behaviour is described. According to the text, what kind of an adult might he grow into?
Violent ( P. 16). The students may want to give their own answer and say aggressive; this is fine. However a persistent problem is unacceptable.
7.                  Read paragraph seventeen and state clearly what you think harbingers means.
A sign that something is going to happen; warning
8.                  What does “both types of behaviour problems” near the end of paragraph seventeen refer to?
ADHD and acting out as a child.(P. 18)
9.                  Read paragraph nineteen and state clearly what you think exacerbate means. Why are language delays linked to aggression in toddlers?
Make worse / because kids become frustrated by an inability to communicate and use fists…
10.              Read the section on parenting behaviour. The authoritarian parent could prevent his child growing up into an unruly and violent teenager if he fostered guidelines and democracy (in the household).( P. 23)
11.              Why can having a stern and unfriendly father lead to unruliness?
A hostile person, may after all, equip one poorly for dealing with temper tantrums. (P.24)
12.              Now read the rest of Ben’s story and try and explain as briefly as possible why he was having tantrums. Ben is…………………………… At what point should Ben’s mother comfort him? Why?
Insecure (P26) / After he has started to calm down; to reward him for regaining his composure.
13.              Now read from the beginning of paragraph twenty eight until the end and answer the following questions.
a.                  How are these four paragraphs linked?
b.                 What is the function of the second sentence in paragraph twenty eight?
c.                  What is mainly discussed in this section?
They form the conclusion / It is the topic sentence for this section / Solutions
Last of all, give the students time to go back over the text and make a note of all the
causes and solutions of the problem. When they have done so, ask them to write a
cause analysis essay. In the introduction, they can discuss the importance of the issue
as it leads to anti social behaviour in adults, and have a thesis statement that clearly
indicates that they will be discussing the causes. For the development, they can select
from the causes in the text: genetic factors, language delays, smoking during
pregnancy, certain parenting styles, socio-economic factors, marital problems and the
like. In the conclusion, they can select ways of solving the problem as the text has
done. Again they can select from among the points made in the text: being more
democratic, giving simple guidelines, offering a reward or compromise, dealing with
language delays, psychotherapy for authoritarian parents, teaching aggressive children
social competence and the like. They will be tempted to borrow from the text to a
small extent, this is beneficial as it has educational value so long as it doesn’t
involve full scale copy pasting. This activity is also the ultimate reading task and as
such invaluable- as are all writing activities that follow reading tasks.

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