Sunday, June 30, 2013


By: Katherine Harmon
Published: Scientific American Mind; November  – December 2012;
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Level of Difficulty:****
Note to the Student: This text, like a number of others on which tasks have been based, comes out of that wonderful magazine “Scientific American Mind”. This means you will need to pay to access it.
·         Do animals have social intelligence?
·         Do they experience grief and feel empathy?
·         Do they cooperate and behave altruistically?
1.       Read the experiment conducted at the Thai Elephant Conservation Center. What conclusion can be drawn from this experiment?
2.       What standard misconception concerning animals has been prevalent until quite recently?
3.       The fact that some animals can deceive for personal gain proves that…………………………………….
4.       Why are social skills vital for humans? Use your own words.
5.       In the 2009 study conducted by Goodson and his colleagues, the conclusion was reached that in birds, mammals and humans, the basis for social instinct is ………………………………………(you will need to tweak the text)
6.       The purpose of the mirror experiment is to verify the presence of…………………………………………
7.       If the child in the ball and cupboard experiment were to expect the adult to look for the ball in the cup, he would be said to have ………………………………………………………………………………………
8.       What does “they” refer to in the phrase “they may enable animals to understand others’ actions”?
9.       The way dogs varied the way they signaled that they wanted to play seems to suggest that…………………………………………………………………………… (There are 3 possible answers; find them all)
10.   Read the experiment involving the zebra fish to the end. Were the observations of the scientists proved to be correct or not at the end of the experiment? Support your answer with information from the text.
11.   What similar conclusion was drawn from observations of dolphins sponging for food and young female chimpanzees at the Gombe National Park? You will need to tweak the text.
12.   Read the examples of the monkeys, the Western Scrub Jays and the elephants. What common fact was observed in these experiments?
13.   Read Rosie’s story and state clearly what it is indicative of?
14.   In an experiment, a mouse was placed in a trap and a piece of chocolate was placed nearby. A second mouse was introduced into the enclosure and it was observed that it freed the first mouse and then shared the chocolate with it, which seems to show that ……………………………..
15.    The overall conclusion we can draw from all the research into social intelligence in animals is that animals ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Summarize the information in the text in as few words as possible. An example of the summary task is available under Sample Essays.
Discuss the advantages of social intelligence. An example of the writing task is available under Sample Essays.
In your introduction, explain what is meant by social intelligence: a basic affinity to others(with a hormonal basis), a sense of self distinct from others and an understanding that others have different mental states.
In your development, discuss the advantages:
·         It confers the ability to distribute information – a big advantage to a group of species which can transmit the most successful strategies to others.
·         It makes possible empathy and grief, the indispensable fiber that holds us together
·         It enables rich social connections tied to our physical and emotional wellbeing and health
This text verifies everything animal lovers have always known instinctively about animals and the deep feelings they are capable of. Nothing in this text came as a surprise to me and I am glad science has caught upJ All animal lovers and anyone who enjoyed “The Brains of the Animal Kingdom” will love this. The first writing task is in fact very short because it is only the conclusions of experiments, which are very similar ,that need to be mentioned so it is a wonderful exercise in synthesis. The second writing task is a sophisticated one which is based on the text but will require input on the part of the student.
1.       Elephants cooperate; they have developed a deep understanding of social cooperation
2.       Animals can’t use tools or learn meaningful pieces of a language; OR only humans can use tools…
3.       Many animals use social connections for survival
4.       Possible answer: none of the great achievements or discoveries would have been possible without them
5.       Hormonal
6.       Self awareness
7.       An immature theory of mind
8.       Mirror neurons
9.       Dogs possess at least a rudimentary theory of mind; dogs could be aware of another dog’s perspective; dogs may have some version of theory of mind.
10.   Proved; the fish had not just mindlessly followed the other fish but had learned a new behavior.
11.   Mothers managed to teach complex skills to their daughters; OR both species use social learning to hand down wisdom to daughters
12.   Some animals use their social awareness for personal gain(by hiding information from potential competitors
13.   Grief is a complex emotion that is observed in animals
14.   Are inclined towards altruism
15.   Are more closely related than they may seem.

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