Saturday, April 20, 2013


By:  Robert Lanza
Level of Difficulty: **
·         Do you believe in life after death? If so what form do you believe it will take?
·         What do those who see death as the end believe happens at that moment and why?
·         To the best of your knowledge, how does current scientific theory see death?
·         Have you watched the series “Fringe”? Describe the plot briefly. Do you believe what takes place in “Fringe” is possible?

Biocentric universe: it’s all relative
1.       What widely held belief is turned on its head at the beginning of the text? The belief that…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
2.       What field of knowledge does the idea of the ‘multiverse’ have its roots in?
3.       What does “these scenarios” in the sentence “Death does not exist in any real sense in these scenarios” refer to?
4.       What remains after death?
5.       Read the experiment in paragraph three carefully. What discovery was made as a result of this experiment? Scientists discovered that …………………………………………………………………..
6.       What current perceptions have no place in biocentrism?
7.       Space and time serve the function of  …………………………………………………………………………. according to the text.
8.       What does “This” refer to in the sentence “This was clear with the death of my sister Christine”?
9.       Read Christine’s story to the end. What is the point of this story? To try and explain that………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
10.   Read last three lines of the text and explain in your own words what they mean.  Now see if you can find the answer anywhere in the text? This is a five star question and will tell you something about text organization. When you have found the answer, say what this is.
You work on a big national newspaper and your copy editor says he wants subtitles. The subtitles he wants are available – see below – and in the correct order. Unfortunately, no one can remember where they are supposed to go. Place them in the text for you editor.
·         Everyone dies right?
·         Not according to quantum physics
·         Space and time turned on their heads
·         What does this mean for death?
·         First alternative: the tragedy of Christine
·         Yet is it a tragedy?
·         Second alternative: Christine happy ever after
Write an essay discussing your opinions of the text.
In you introduction, discuss the current opinions concerning death. Introduce biocentrism at the end of the paragraph.
In your first developmental paragraph, discuss the view of death described in the text.
In your second developmental paragraph, state your views and provide support
In your conclusion, discuss possible future research
I stumbled on this little gem while fishing for texts one day quite by accident and found it extremely engrossing. Very few texts have the wow factor this one does and another thing: it is relatively simple. This means it can be done quite early in the year when you are trying to get students to see reading as an enjoyable activity.  The series “Fringe” is based on the same theory of multiple universes existing simultaneously so would be interesting to discuss if they have watched it. The subtitle activity should be done after the questions when greater familiarity with contents of the text has been achieved at this level. Subtitling is a very common question type on IELTS and is essentially a summary and synthesizing activity.
1.       Death is (a) terminal (event).
2.       Quantum physics
3.       Everything that could possibly happen occurring in some universe
4.       A 20 watt fountain of energy operating in the brain
5.       That they could retroactively change something that had happened in the past
6.       Space and time
7.       Putting everything together
8.       Immortality doesn’t mean a perpetual existence in time without end but rather resides outside of time all together.
9.       It is the 20 watts of energy that will experience the result. This is the minimum you need. If you add on the beginning of the sentence, it is not wrong but unnecessary.
10.   Possible answer: Christine died in one scenario; in another she got the earrings. There is no death as we know it. The answer in the text is back in paragraph 2: There are an infinite number of universes and everything that could possibly happen occurs in some universe. By doing this, the writers makes a connection with the beginning of the text which gives the writing unity.
·         Everything dies right? Paragraph 1
·         Not according to quantum physics: 2
·         Space and time turned on their heads: 3 and 4
·         What does this mean for death?: 5
·         First alternative: the tragedy of Christine: 6, 7, 8
·         Yet is it a tragedy?: 10
·         Second alternative: happy ever after: 10

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