Wednesday, March 1, 2017


“Plagues revolutions, massive wars, collapsed states – these are what reliably reduce economic disparities”
By: Walter Scheidel
Level of Difficulty: ***
·         History fun fact: The Great Compression
·         How economic Inequality harms society
1.        There is a misunderstanding concerning the good old days of the American economy. Income disparity was not down to……………….it came about as a consequence of ………………………… (Partly inferred)
2.       The Great Compression, which was a consequence of ……….., came about due to the government policies of……………….and……………………….
3.       The American Civil War is given as an example of an event which reduced economic disparity by…………….
4.       The Russian revolution and the Chinese revolution were different from The French revolution in terms of ……………….As a result they succeeded in ……………….
5.       Why is it surprising that violent turmoil increases equality?
6.       The plague and similar pandemics were considered to be advantageous in terms of income disparity because they increased the wages of the labour force /  they angered the nobility / they reduced competition for jobs / the value of property dropped sharply.
7.       What depressing conclusion is reached in the paragraph beginning “But what of…”?
8.       The economies of South American countries are presented as examples in order to………………(Your own words)
9.       We understand from the text income inequality cannot be expected to be reduced because the existing order can no longer be completely upended / major catastrophes will no longer occur / the major leveling forces are a thing of the past / violent leveling of society is still possible / developments in many fields make catastrophes impossible. Mark the one that doesn’t fit.
10.   We can draw the conclusion that it will keep getting harder and harder to tackle income disparity because ……………………
11.   This text is an advantages and disadvantages essay/ an argumentative essay / a problem and solution essay / a cause and effect essay. How do you know? Explain.
Use all you have learnt to write about the effects of income disparity and how to reduce it. Before you do so, watch the following videos:
·         Reducing Economic Disparity - Richard Norgaard
·         Income inequality impairs the American dream of upward mobility
This short yet brilliant text is argumentative in style and fits in nicely with the way students are encouraged to write such essays. It is a sophisticated text with a wealth of vocabulary, which will need to be dealt with. It also puts the dampener on dreams about achieving income equality; a view that students may want to discuss.
1.       Economic development ; the world wars (Learn to fine-tune your answers; this is the minimum you need to write
2.      The world wars (Or wartime or total war)Aggressive government intervention in the private sector ; disruptions to capital holdings
3.       Upending the established order
4.       Scale; transforming societies
5.       Because everyone stands to suffer in times of collapse (Most explicit and direct answer)
6.       They reduced competition for jobs.
7.       Democracy on its own doesn’t consistently lower inequality
8.       Possible answer: Disprove / Refute the views of Simon Kuznets
9.       Violent leveling of society is still possible
10.   Rich countries are aging, immigration will put pressure on social solidarity and technological change might boost inequality

11.   Argumentative: the thesis statement provides the writers view, which is then supported. The counter arguments are given and refuted and the concluding statement is a rephrasing of the thesis statement

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