Tuesday, February 12, 2013


By: Tony Scwartz
Published: The New York Times, February 9, 2013, http://www.nytimes.com Alternatively, just google the title and author’s name
Level of Difficulty: **

Links:“The power of time off” by Stefan Sagmeister

“Why work doesn’t happen at work” by Jason Fried

  • What, in your view, are the factors that influence productivity?
  • Is personality a factor in your view?
  • What about upbringing and habits?
  • Can you think of any external factors that may influence productivity?
  1. What conclusion can we draw from the information in paragraph 1?
  2. The solution to the above problem according to experts is ……………………………………………………
  3. Refer back to the first paragraph once again. The reason why employees are pushed to this extent is the firm belief that …………………………………………………………………………………………………..
  4. What is the dilemma involving time and work?
  5. Problems with tiredness or exhaustion can be dealt with because ………………………………………….
  6. What is the misconception involving time?
  7. Read the account of the research involving 400 employees and Stanford researcher Cheri D. Mah’s research. What conclusion can you draw from them? The …………………………. you sleep, the …………………productive you are or the …………………………. you perform.
  8. What aspect of naps determined the benefits derived?
  9. What are the two advantages of more holidays?
  10. What does “This” refer to in the phrase “This may explain why…”?
  11. Klewitman’s research proved conclusively that ………………………………………………………………………
  12. What are the two maxims one must keep in mind to work most productively?
  13. What enabled the writer to complete his two latest books in six months rather than a year as in the case of his previous books?
  14. Read the business practices listed in the last paragraph but one. In what two ways do these suggestions benefit the company?
Write a problem solution essay discussing how workers can be more productive. Use the points below and any others you discover as a result of any videos you watch on the topic
  • Getting a good night’s sleep
  • Taking power naps
  • Working 90 minute intervals
  • Taking renewal breaks and leaving the office for lunch
  • Working from home several days a week
  • Having a renewal room or lounge in the office
  • Not answering e-mails in the evening or at weekends
This simple little text could be used to introduce problem solution essays as it is, in fact, such an essay and the writing task addresses the same issue. A video dealing with the topic does, however, need to be found to spice up the activity.
  1. More and more of us find ourselves unable to juggle overwhelming demands and maintain a seemingly unsustainable pace.
  2. Strategic renewal. Spending more time doing less is not the best answer but acceptable at a pinch.
  3. Our resources are infinite
  4. Time is finite and many of us feel we are running out , that we are investing as many hours as we can while trying to retain some semblance of a life outside work
  5. Energy is renewable
  6. Downtime is time wasted. What you see in the text is: downtime is typically viewed as time wasted, which you should make to fit the question.
  7. More, more, better; OR, less, less, the worse
  8. The length. This answer you should be able to work out after reading the section.
  9. End of year performance ratings for employees improved by 8%; frequent holiday makers were also less likely to leave the firm.
  10. The fact that most of us experience the opposite impulse: to push harder rather than rest.
  11. We’re meant to pulse between spending and recovering energy; OR BRAC recapitulates during our working lives. This cycle… is not possible as it is not clear.
  12. Individuals must avoid exhaustion and limit practice to an amount from which they can completely recover on a daily or weekly basis.
  13. He learnt to quiet his mind and relax his body rapidly and deeply. The mental and emotional renewal also turned out to be a time… is not why he completed the books in six months; it is the added advantage of taking breaks.
  14. More gets done in less time more sustainably; no one chooses to leave the company.

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