Wednesday, June 21, 2017


By: Brian Lufkin
Level of difficulty: **
·         National security versus privacy
·         British Debaters: National Security vs Personal Privacy
·         Spy On Me, I'd Rather Be Safe
1.       Read the first three paragraphs of the text. What past assumption is no longer true in the modern world?
2.       Humans are unique in the sense that their public self suffices / does not suffice and they need ……………… well to form their identity.
3.       In what sense is anonymity liberating? In the sense that …
4.       What conclusion was reached by the 2013 study?
5.       What contradiction was observed in the behavior of a lot of internet users?
6.       The reason for the above attitude could be…
7.       What conclusion can be drawn concerning public attitude from the examples of all the internet activity provided in the text?
8.       What is the reason for the above feeling of complete freedom?
9.       The reason why it is extremely difficult to hide anything in the modern world no matter how hard you try is that…
10.   It has become much easier recently for big business to track internet users because ….
11.   All the latest developments in advertising mean that the only way to escape surveillance is …
12.   What interesting revelation is made in the text concerning anonymity?
13.   What conclusion can be drawn from the Pew study and the YouGov study :
·         The public is torn between the desire for anonymity and national security
·         The public is leaning towards ensuring national security
·         The public is leaning towards maintaining anonymity
14.   What practical advice is offered concerning posting on the internet?
15.   Read the section to the end. The only way to preserve anonymity in the modern world is …
Use the videos you have watched and the text you have read to write an argumentative essay concerning whether privacy should be sacrificed to provide national security
The text covers a very topical issue: anonymity. It is a very well organized and a very well written text that covers the issue from all angles. The videos provided at the beginning lay out the dilemma concerning whether privacy should be sacrificed to provide national security. It should lead to some interesting discussion and a good writing task.
1.       That you can enter an isolated situation without being monitored or tracked by a far flung company or individual
2.       Does not suffice; a private self
3.       It allows us to try new things or express ideas without being judged
4.       People from all walks of life had reason, at one time or another, to seek anonymity.
5.       Minimum: Many internet users who say they value anonymity aren’t walking the walk
6.       A cultural thawing towards previously uptight attitudes
7.       Minimum:  People’s comfort level with the internet has risen to the point where information-sharing can be careless and reckless
8.       People tend to think of cyberspace as some kind of imaginary space without true boundaries, a space not to be taken too seriously…
9.       A Google savvy sleuth can dig up loads of personal information about you using a single fact as a starting point / OR As long as someone knows something about you, they can probably find other things about you
10.   Donald Trump signed a law that repealed requirements for internet service providers to get permission from customers before gathering and sharing their personal data
11.   To live without the internet or without any smart device
12.   Anonymity is a relatively new construct and the rise of cities gave rise to it
13.   The Second
14.   Don’t put comments down in texts or emails that would bother you if they were on the front page of the newspaper.
15.   For governments, tech corporations worldwide to agree on a baseline system of ethics

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