Monday, May 28, 2012


Published: March 31st, 2012; The Economist,

Level of Difficulty: ***

Note to the reader: Firstly, this reading activity has been designed as a precursor to “Why We Lie”; also on this blog. Secondly, the word “die” is not a spelling mistake but an accepted plural form for the word dice.


Read the whole of this little text carefully annotating and underlining as you go. When you have done so, answer the following three questions. When you have checked your answers, move right on to “Why We Lie”

1.       What exactly was the initial purpose of the experimenters?

2.       The first experiment proved that ……………………………………………………………………………………………

3.       After reading the second experiment, what would you say is the take home point concerning cheating? Use your own words.


I discovered this little gem just after completing work on “Why We Lie” and couldn’t believe my eyes. They are a marriage made in heaven and should be done on the same day in tandem with an appropriate video and a writing task.

1.       To find out whether people were more likely to lie about the result of a dice roll when asked the result immediately or when given time to think.

2.       Both groups lied but those who had had more time for reflection lied less.

3.       Possible answer: Cheating is inborn, original a natural tendency or a similar answer


By: Dan Ariely

Published: May 25, 2012; The Wall Street Journal: The Saturday Essay;

Level of Difficulty: ****


1.       How frequently do you believe people lie and cheat on a small scale?

2.       Have you ever lied or cheated? This includes so called white lies.

3.       Why do you think people lie or cheat? Are the reasons personal, social or what?

4.       How do you think people can be encouraged to be more honest?


1.       Read the explanation the locksmith provides concerning the use of locks. This explanation proves that …………………………………………………………… Now state clearly what the implication is for society as a whole.

2.       What does “this” refer to in the phrase “If this were true” in paragraph 3?

3.       What does “that” refer to in the phrase “But that is not how dishonesty works”?

4.       Read the account of the experiment concerning matrices in paragraphs 5, 6 and 7 in the text. Now state clearly what discovery was made concerning cheating as a result.

5.       The higher the amount of money offered for a solved matrix, …………………………………the cheating. The reason for this is ……………………………………………………………………………………..

6.       Read the factors that facilitate cheating in paragraphs 11, 12 and 13 and state clearly what they have in common?

7.       What conclusion can we draw from the methods of combating cheating listed in paragraph 14? Use your own words.

8.       What does “the thought” refer to in the phrase “Inspired by the thought”?

9.       From the experiment described in paragraphs 18 and 19 we can draw the following conclusion: the greater ……………………………………… the less the cheating.

10.   Explain in your own words why putting your name at the top of the tax form seemed to reduce cheating.

11.   If you were asked to place the subtitle “conclusion” somewhere in the text, where would you place it?

12.   What is the implication of the conclusions drawn from all the experiments concerning cheating?

13.   What is the function of the last paragraph of the text? Could we have left it out? Why or why not?


Write an essay discussing the factors that facilitate lying and cheating based on the notes you made while reading both texts. In your conclusion, suggest solutions – which can again be based on the notes you made while reading.


This text should follow the previous little text out of The Economist. Students should be encouraged to make notes on the factors that facilitate lying and also the factors that reduce lying and cheating from both texts as they read in preparation for a writing task to round things off. These points are answers to the questions anyhow so finding them should not present a problem. It would be a good idea to shop around for a video to include in your lesson plan as well.

1.    The Purpose of Locks is to... Society's efforts to deal with dishonesty are misguided.  

2.       If most people were virtuous but a few bad apples spoilt the bunch.

3.       We tend to think that most people are either honest or dishonest.

4.       Lots of people cheat just by a little.

5.       The less; it was harder for people to cheat and still feel good about their integrity.

6.       These facts have everything to do with the balancing act we are constantly performing in our heads.

7.       They are ineffective.

8.       Being reminded of moral codes has a significant effect on how we view our own behavior.

9.       The reminders of morality.

10.   It forced the person into the same position as when faced with a moral dilemma or some such answer.

11.   Just before paragraph 22

12.   Although it is obviously important to pay attention to flagrant misbehavior, it is probably even more important to discourage the small and more ubiquitous forms of dishonesty.

13.   It expands on the basic conclusion which is the answer to the previous question. It looks better to have it.

Sunday, May 20, 2012


By: George Friedman

Published: April 11, 2012; Stratfor ; May 15,2012 .  Alternatively, Google the title along with the writer’s name.

Level of Difficulty: *****


Read the first three paragraphs of the text.

1.       What is it that holds these three paragraphs together as a meaningful and coherent unit? Analyze to provide specific reasons.

Read “Iran as a Regional Power”

2.       Read the account of the shah’s and Ahmedinejat’s policies. What conclusion can be drawn from this information?

3.       The writer reaches the following conclusion in the second paragraph in this section: “Both acted within the traditions of Iranian strategic subtlety”. Use your own words to state how he reaches this conclusion. Be as brief as possible.

4.       What does “this maneuvering” in the sentence “As a result of this maneuvering, Iran achieved two goals.” Refer to?

5.       Iran regarded getting the US out of Iraq as necessary to avoid ……………………………………………

6.       An opportunity was created for Iran in the region due to the elimination of two other threats as well. They were: ………………………………………………………………………………………………...............

Before moving on, provide a brief summary of this section.

Read “Iran’s Opportunity

7.       Iran’s current strategy involves a fine balancing act which is basically …………………………………

8.       The long standing fear Iran is trying to exploit is ………………………………………………………………….

9.       Read the information concerning North Korea. What specific aspect of North Korean policy did Iran adopt? Be very specific.

10.   What is the advantage of the above policy for Iran?

11.   Read the information concerning Israel. What conclusion can we draw concerning Iranian policy from this information?

Before you move on, provide a brief summary of this section.

Read “Syria’s importance to Iran”

12.   The first paragraph in this section ends with the following sentence: “And this is why the United States is currently obsessing over Syria”. Why exactly is the US obsessing over Syria? To prevent …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

13.   What are the three advantages to Iran of the above strategy? Be brief and to the point.

14.   In the conclusion of the text, the current Iranian strategy is summarized State clearly what it is.

Last of all; provide a brief summary of this section also.


This activity is also based on a brilliant George Friedman analysis of Iran and the country being a neighbour, should interest our students; that and the fact that the essay is again beautifully planned, concise and insightful. This essay lent itself to more challenging comprehension questions and by default, to more challenging summary exercises. I hope it is useful. As with every activity I post, check for related videos on to get the ball rolling; on tedtalks for instance…

  1. The topic sentence: Though always weaker than these larger empires, Iran survived for three reasons: geography, resources and diplomacy. The concluding statement: Whether ruled by shah or ayatollah, Iran’s strategy remained the same: deter by geography, protect with defensive forces and engage in complex diplomatic maneuvers. The first paragraph deals with geography and diplomacy, the second with diplomacy.
  2. We see substantial continuity in Iran’s strategy since WWI. The following sentence is support: Iran dreams of achieving regional dominance by breaking free from its constraints the threats posed by nearby powers. This second sentence is not really the best answer. The reason should be explained to the students.
  3. Possible answer: Both the shah’s and Ahmedinejat’s foreign policy centered on the US which it tried to manipulate.
  4. A sophisticated disinformation campaign helping many factions in Iraq resist Americans, paralyzing the country after the Americans withdrew.
  5. War with the US.
  6. The Ottoman Empire and the USSR.
  7. Solidifying its regional influence while not triggering US retaliation.
  8. The US concern with nuclear weapons
  9. Having a deliverable nuclear weapon
  10. It causes the US to simultaneously take them more seriously and increase its caution while dealing with them.
  11. An attack by Israel, successful or unsuccessful, would cost Iran little and create substantial opportunities. OR: The Iranians want a program not a weapon but having the Israelis attack the program would suit Iran’s interests quite nicely.
  12. An Iranian sphere of influence stretching from western Afghanistan to Beirut.
  13. The Us would abandon ideas of destroying Iran, it would legitimize the regime, Iran could force shifts in the financial distribution of revenues from oil.
  14. To avoid any sudden moves; to create a diversion through its nuclear program.


By: George Friedman

Published:  May 1, 2012; Geopolitical Weekly, Stratfor

 Alternatively, go to, or just Google the title and the writer’s name.

Level of difficulty: ***** (Due to the content, summary exercises and question 16)


Read the introduction and answer the following questions.

1.       Why exactly does Rudyard Kipling describe British imperial power as recessional?

Read “The Rise of Britain” and answer the following questions.

2.       What does “This” refer to in the phrase “This gave Britain dominance in the North Atlantic” and what was its ultimate significance?

3.       The elimination of France as a contender for power was not the only stroke of luck Britain enjoyed. There were two other facts that aided in Britain’s rise as a military and industrial power. They were:

4.       What conclusion can we draw from the information in the fourth paragraph in this section?

5.       Britain was more similar to Rome than Nazi Germany in that it was not ………………………This was the case because ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Before continuing, summarize the section you have just read in a few sentences.

Read “German and US Challenges” and answer the following questions.

6.       The text states: “The window of opportunity that had opened with the defeat of Napoleon was closing”. The two reasons why this was the case are:

7.       A possibility of major political change occurred as a result of WW I. What was it?

8.       Why exactly did Britain’s management of the empire undergo a change in this period?

9.       It is stated in the fourth paragraph in this section that “WW II, the second round of the German war, broke Britain’s power”. Which statement in the same paragraph best qualifies this statement?

10.   What does “this” refer to in the phrase “But the US had no interest in this”. Use your own words.

Before continuing, summarize the section you have just read in a few sentences.

Read “From Suez to Special relationship” and answer the following questions.

11.   The withdrawal of Britain to the British Isles was precipitated by: ……………………………………….

12.   The twist Britain added to its inclusion in the Bretton Woods is termed: ……………………………..

13.   What were the three benefits Britain derived from the above policy?

14.   What led Britain to opt for a policy of maintaining a balance between the US and Europe rather than providing complete support for US policies?

15.   Read the last paragraph in this section and state clearly what conclusion we can draw from it?

Before continuing, summarize the section you have just read in a few sentences.

Read “Keeping its Options Open” and answer the following question.

16.   After reading this last section, decide which sentence in the section best summarizes it.


This activity is based on another concise and well written little gem. The activity is designed to give maximum practice in analytical questions – to the extent which the text permits – and fill in some more gaps in the students’ general knowledge. I can see the whole task, including the summaries, taking 75 minutes. It could be done with intermediate classes in May and advanced classes earlier in the second term. As with every reading activity I post, check for related videos to get the ball rolling; on tedtalks for instance…

1.       Because it controlled about one fourth of the Earth’s land surface and one fifth of the World’s population. Fifty years… I need to apologize for the lengthy answer but some pieces of information are key points that can’t be skipped.

2.       The elimination of France as a significant naval challenger to Britain for several generations; it gave control over trade routes in the Indian and Pacific oceans.

3.       Napoleon’s devastation of continental Europe; the underdevelopment of the US.

4.       The British Empire was foremost a trading block

5.       Exploitative; the Napoleonic wars having crippled most European powers, Britain was not under military pressure for most of the century.

6.       The unification of Germany and the rapid industrialization of the US.

7.       The Empire could be broken.

8.       Because Britain became more dependent on its Empire.

9.       Britain emerged from the war vastly weaker economically and militarily than the US

10.   Britain’s strategy of remaining aligned with the US and trying to find a foundation for the US to underwrite the retention of the Empire.

11.   The US political intervention against the British, French and Israeli attack on Egypt in 1956.

12.   The lieutenant strategy.

13.   Guide the students to formulate answers as follows: special concessions and considerations, the ability to influence US policy, the ability to prompt the use of US forces.

14.   The cost of maintaining the force relative to the benefits, the danger of being drawn so deeply into the US orbit that Britain would lose its freedom of action.

15.   Britain has been able to retain options while limiting its dependency on either side.

16.   The British strategy represents a classic case of a nation accepting reversal, retaining autonomy and accommodating itself to its environment while manipulating it.

Saturday, May 12, 2012


By: George Friedman

Published: Stratfor, Geopolitical Weekly; May 8, 2012

Level of Difficulty: **** (Due to subject matter; the questions themselves, with the exception of the summaries, are easier)

Location: It is suggested you Google the title along with the word Stratfor or the writer’s name to access the article. If you are a subscriber, go straight to


1.       Why will Putin have to adjust Russia’s approach in Europe?

Read: Putin’s Plans for Russia and Beyond

2.       When he first came to power, Putin’s strategy entailed……………………………………… Achieving this was very difficult because………………………………………………………………………………………………..

3.       Read the information in paragraph three carefully. What was the ultimate result of the policies described?

4.       What does “this tactic” refer to in the phrase “it could not use this tactic everywhere in its periphery”?

5.       What foreign policy tool, other than the military, does Putin share with Czarist Russia?

6.       What is the essence of Putin’s method of forming partnerships with countries he considers important?

Before moving on, attempt a brief summary of this section

Read: Putin’s Personal Approach

7.       Closer relations with Russia suited Germany because ……………………………………………………………..

8.       Provide on example of Chancellor Schroeder’s service to Russia on the international front.

9.       What conclusion can be drawn from the information concerning Gazprom?

10.   Why exactly did France respond to Putin’s overtures?

11.   Give one example of a service Chirac provided for Putin’s Russia.

12.   What advantages did Russia gain thanks to Putin’s friendship with Berlusconi?

13.   Give one example of the advantages Russia gained thanks to Prime Minister Putin’s continued friendship with France, Italy and Germany.

Before moving on, attempt a brief summary of this section.

Read: Changes Across Europe

14.   Why is Europe not currently concerned with Russia?

15.   What conclusion can be drawn from the information in the second paragraph in this section?

16.   Read the story of the US ballistic defense plans. How is the reaction of the current Italian government different from what it would have been in the past?

17.   What does “this” refer to in the phrase “this strategy has been cut back”?

18.   What is Russia’s main objective according to the text? Why are personal relations not the best way to achieve those objectives?


This concise yet superb account of Putin’s strategy should closely follow Russia’s Strategy – also on this blog – to complete the picture. I plan to spend one morning on both texts. The brief summary exercises should be checked orally.  It should be noted that these summary exercises are harder than the questions but they should be done as they provide such vital practice of an important cognitive skill.

1.       Because an anti-incumbent trend is developing in Europe.

2.       Stability and security; Russia is the world’s largest and also internally diverse country and is surrounded by potentially hostile powers.

3.       Russia was strong and steady.

4.       The first tactic or mobilizing Russia’s military to push out foreign influence.

5.       Creating alliances of convenience.

6.       Building personal relations.

7.       Russia is the world’s largest energy producer and exporter and also a place for potential heavy investment.

8.       Schroeder was alone among Western governments in not vociferously supporting Ukraine’s Orange Revolution OR Schroeder led European opposition to US efforts to begin the NATO accession process for Ukraine and Georgia.

9.       Schroeder’s ejection from office in 2005 did not end their friendship OR Schroeder’s usefulness to Putin.

10.   France has an interest in making sure it is not left out when Russia and Germany meet.

11.   Putin and Chirac allied politically against the US led war in Iraq. Chirac lobbied against NATO’s expansion to include the Baltic states of…

12.   The relationship between Russian and Italian energy companies.

13.   Complicating NATO expansion, pushing Moscow’s agenda with NATO, expanding military relationships and becoming capable of invading Georgia without European or NATO intervention.

14.   Because it is focused on keeping itself and some form of European alliance intact.

15.   Putin’s tactics of using personal relationships to help strengthen Russia’s position in Europe seem to be outdated.

16.   In the past, it would have supported Russia’s position.

17.   Germany, France and Italy would invest heavily in Russia’s economy and financial sector.

18.   To keep European powers divided while extracting what Moscow wants financially and technologically; because they are fleeting.