Sunday, November 18, 2018


A denialist is described in the Oxford English Dictionary as A person who refuses to admit the truth of a concept or proposition that is supported by the majority of scientific or historical evidence”. At first glance, it seems completely illogical for it to exist yet exist it does, and there are some important reasons why. Do your research and find out what they are and write an essay on the topic.
Familiarize yourself with the issue:
·         What’s behind denialism?
Reading material to make notes on:
·         Denialism: What Drives People to Reject the Truth?
·         Denial makes the world go round
·         How to convince someone when facts fail
·         Why facts don’t change our minds
Videos to take notes from
·         Science Literacy | 3.1 Denialism - Why Do People Deny Science?
·         Science Literacy | 3.2 Denialism - How Can We Recognize Science Denialism?
·         The danger of science denial | Michael Specter
Refer to my second blog, The Essay Archive, for sample essays:

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