Wednesday, March 7, 2018


“The urge to belong is universal. So would a better understanding of it help tackle loneliness – and explain why stalkers, spree killers and jihadists turn their pain on others?”
By: Leo Benedictus
Level of Difficulty:***
·         How To Address Inappropriate Attention-Seeking Behaviors
·         Dealing with Attention Seeking Behavior
Read the first two paragraphs and answer the questions:
1.       Mark Zuckerberg, probably established Facebook because he knew…
2.       Understanding what people need attention for would help get a better perspective on…
Read from the beginning of paragraph three (Attention…) to the end of the paragraph beginning “People who feel…”
3.       Craving the attention of others has an evolutionary value because if people were not created the way they are…
4.       The positive attention people get from others should be…in order not to create anxiety. That can only happen if those providing the attention …
5.       Why is the Red Cross involved in the study of loneliness?
Read from the paragraph beginning “The word loneliness…” to the end of the paragraph beginning “Some lonely people themselves…”
6.       What misconception does the writer correct?
7.       What does “which” refer to in the phrase “which is where the belonging comes from”
8.       The difficulty in getting more attention is that you can’t…
9.       Assuming that….is unfair but it is ingrained in people as a species
10.   Acting up in a classroom and similar disruptive behavior can be seen as an example of an effort to…
Read from the paragraph beginning “One way to seek attention…” to the end of the paragraph beginning “Now Jewitt…”
11.   Read Jewitt’s story to the end. What was Jewitt referring to when he said “but it is hard to tell the difference”? Explain.
12.   What does “that crap” refer to?
13.   Which of the following are true according to this section:
·         Jewitt and Thurlow are still good friends probably because they really got to know each other
·         Jewitt’s attitude to followers on Instagram underwent no radical change
·         Jewitt’s shares on instagram are more public spirited than they used to be
·         Jewitt is more interested in presenting himself as he is than he used to be
14.   What does “This” refer to in the phrase “This corrodes your feeling of belonging”?
15.   Some murderers try to get actively involved in the investigation, they try and make contact with the police. The crimes they commit could be described as ….and one reason they commit the crimes could be…
16.   The two types of stalker described in the text have something in common. What is it?
17.   What surprising revelation does Spitzberg make?
Read on from the paragraph beginning “Sadly…” to the end of the paragraph to the end
18.   Why is ostracism worse than negative attention? Because it means there is….
19.   In a sense spree killers can be said to have achieved their ultimate purpose because…
20.   The statistics presented in the text concerning spree killing support the contention that…
21.   What possible conclusion can be drawn from the Demos interviews?
22.   The best way to tackle the problem of attention seeking is to provide more opportunity for…
Use all the information that you have gleaned to write an essay discussing the effects of attention seeking.
This brilliant text links a lot of what is going on in the modern world to one phenomenon: attention seeking. It is beautifully argued and well written. It should lead to some lively discussion and a good writing task. The task is divided into sections so it can be broken up.
1.       Everyone needs attention like we need to eat
2.       Everything people do from art to crime, from romance to terrorism
3.       They wouldn’t have the motivation to do the things that are required to pass their genes down the generations
4.       Accurate / have spent a lot of time with the individual or person
5.       Because people who feel they don’t belong suffer terribly, and experience health problems comparable to obesity or smoking
6.       That loneliness seems to be a matter of a lack of social connections
7.       You’re creating bonds of reciprocity
8.       Have more high quality attention than people want to give you
9.       Lonely people don’t deserve attention
10.   Search for a feeling of belonging not always in the best way
11.   Between real friendship and friendship on Instagram
12.   The hours upon hours of intense conversation
13.   The second is false; the rest are true
14.   The fact that any approval that you get is not for your full and whole self
15.   Crimes of attention / the loneliness and craving for attention created by a fixed belief that they are not worth liking
16.   A desire for the attention they think they deserve.
17.   Most intimacy-seeking stalking is something almost anyone is capable of
18.   No attention
19.   We paid more attention to their feelings
20.   They are crimes of attention made possible by the new media
21.   J. violence feeds a craving for attention that they clothe in…
22.   High quality attention

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