Tuesday, November 28, 2017


“Social media can boost teen’s self-esteem – or foster depression”
By: Alison Pearce Stevens
Published: Science News for Students, Oct 12, 2017, https://www.sciencenewsforstudents.org/article/social-media-whats-not
Level of Difficulty: **
·         How social media effects teenagers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgdS7uKKMAE
·         Why I quit social media for a year https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFSwDtspY5c  
1.       Read the first four paragraphs of the text and answer the questions:
·         Social interaction has undergone a radical change in recent years in that the traditional venue has been replaced by…
·         What major difference between the traditional venues for socialization and the modern venues is a cause of problems? The fact that…
·         The above issue may have serious repercussions for students in that …
2.       Read the section titled a filtered view and answer the questions:
·         We gain important insight into teenagers’ state of mind from the 2015 experiment. It is that…..
·         The distorted image teenagers present to their social circle is due to the fact that…
·         The down side of the above is that…
·         What conclusion can be drawn from the information provided thus far?
·         We understand from the 2015 study of eighth and ninth graders that the quality of the post/ the length of the post / the nature of the post / the seriousness of the post may have an effect on popularity.
·         What habit mentioned in this section may affect the state of mind of teenagers? Whether …
3.       Read the section titled “A place to connect and answer the questions:
·         What widely held prejudice was disproved by Marwick and Boyd?
·         There are physical / practical/ emotional / social reasons why teenagers hang out on social media
·         What major feature of online communication can cause serious repercussions?
4.       Read the section titled “Online Drama” and answer the questions:
·         The reason why the term online drama is used to describe confrontations online is the fact that………
·         What epithet do teenagers avoid using in this context?
·         The term online drama is used to alter perceptions / change messages/ adapt messages / promote understanding
5.       Read the section titled “Keeping It in the Family” and answer the questions:
·         Read the study Coyne and her colleagues carried out. Connecting with parents on social media benefits parents in that…
·         It also benefitted teenagers themselves in that their level of anti-social behavior was…(Provide a one word answer)
·         We understand from the text that social media is beneficial so long as …
Use all you have learnt to write an essay discussing the advantages and disadvantages of teenagers’ use of social media.
This extremely topical text provides a good all-round analysis of the use of social media by teenagers. The upsides and downsides are clearly explained. As a result the text should generate plenty of discussion and lead to a well rounded essay.
1.       The answers to the questions in this section 
·         Social media (such as instagram, snapchat and facebook)
·         Using social media to connect with others is kind of like having a private conversation in a public place.
·         They can feel cut out, judged, less connected and caught in online drama and cyber bullying
2.       The answers to the questions in this section 
·         Peer feedback plays a big role in how teens view themselves and each other
·         Teens present idealized versions of themselves online
·         Those carefully crafted profiles can make it feel like everyone else is living a better life than you are
·         Students’ use of social media may form distorted perceptions of their peers
·         The nature of the post
·         Whether they make upward or downward comparisons
3.       The answers to the questions in this section 
·         Kids no longer know how to communicate in person
·         Practical
·         Online conversations can stick around
4.       The answers to the questions in this section 
·         The confrontation between people is performed in front of an audience
·         Bullying.  
·         Alter perceptions
5.       The answers to the questions in this section 
·         It helped parents better understand their kids and what they were going through
·         Less
·         People don’t focus on how many likes or shares they have


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