Tuesday, October 17, 2017


“We behave differently on different social media, Derek Thompson wonders whether we act up online or reveal our true nature.”
By: Derek Thompson
Level of Difficulty: **
·         Social media and how it effects individuals https://prezi.com/ikjqapbk2bqu/social-media-and-how-it-affects-individuals/ 
·         Reasons why I quit social media https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFOAd5plX3o
·         Social media is changing the way we communicate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wncZPE7NMVI
·         The ultimate communication device https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DlyD-hWMes
1.       Read the first paragraph of the text. What mistaken conclusion is often drawn from the examples in this paragraph?
2.       Read the second paragraph. In what way is regular social life restrictive?
3.       Refer to the same paragraph. In what way does social media get around the problem described in question two?
4.       What is the function of paragraph three? Would the text work without it?
5.       Read the next paragraph and complete the following sentence to summarize the main point being made. The need to …………………….prevents people from focusing mostly on themselves in social life. On line, however, this is not a concern because......................
6.       As a result of the 2014 experiment it was understood that………………. From this result it can be concluded that the initial hypothesis of the researchers which stated that………was right/ wrong.
7.       The fear of ……………….results in people trying to ……………….on social media; a fact which is not true for face to face communication.
8.       Why would women in popular business schools give the answer they did in the 2017 survey:
·         Because they have feelings of inferiority to men
·         Because they feel the public expects them to feel inferior
·         Because they feel their parents expect this response
·         Because this is what business schools teach them
9.       What advantage does written communication have over face to face communication? It allows people…
10.   What disadvantage does written communication have? The communication ceases to be…..
11.   What is the function of the paragraph beginning “This is how…”?
12.   Why is it not surprising that social media has turned us all into narcissists? Because we are no longer having a conversation, we are….
13.   We understand from the text that:
·         We are all being transformed into actors
·         We are all expressing more of ourselves
·         We are all communicating more effectively
·         We are all capable of communicating better
Write an essay in which you describe how social media alters our communication. Use the information in the text and the videos.
This text is an insightful look at how social media is impacting our personality. Plenty has been written about being digitally dependent but this text comes at the issue from a completely different angle. It should lead to some lively discussion and a good writing task.
1.       The internet and social media create new personalities.
2.       It requires us to speak even when we don’t know what to say and forces us to be pleasant or acquiescent when we would rather not
3.        It allows people to express sides of themselves that social norms discourage in the real world.
4.       It is a bridge paragraph to the next section of the text. No this paragraph is necessary.
5.       (Closely) Monitor each other for empathy and understanding ; they are speaking to big audiences
6.       Talking to a large group of people induces us to present ourselves in the best possible light; the sheer size of an audience can shape the content of our messages; right
7.       Being judged; cater to the prejudices of others
8.       The second
9.       To polish and refine their messages
10.   A conversation
11.   It provides a summary of the arguments so far
12.   Broadcasting

13.   We are all expressing more of ourselves

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