Monday, February 24, 2014


“Contrary to cultural assumptions that boys are stronger and sturdier, basic biological weaknesses are built into the male of our species. These frailties leave them more vulnerable than girls to life’s hazards, including environmental pollutants such as insecticides, lead and plasticizers”
By: Alice Shabecoff
Published: Scientific American, February 18, 2014
Level of difficulty: **
Note to the Student: this is an easy level two so make it one of the first you do.
·         Which do you think is the weaker sex? What do you base your opinion on?
Are men mentally the weaker sex?
1.       The writer says “But don’t go cheering yet” at the beginning of the second paragraph.Why might people want to cheer?
2.       What does “These frailties” in the second paragraph refer to?
3.       What is the relationship between the sentence beginning “These frailties” and the following sentence beginning “Several studies...”?
4.       What conclusion can we draw from paragraph three?
5.       What surprising comparison is provided concerning boys?
6.       Which sentence best summarizes the paragraph concerning autism and lead poisoning?
7.       Why do humans start out in the womb with female features?
8.       The chances of something going wrong is much greater for the male fetus because of.............
9.       The disadvantage of being a male in the case of genetic disorders is the fact that.....................
10.   The higher rate of autism among boys is attributed to................................................................
11.   The male brain is more vulnerable than the female brain to all problems related to the brain due to ..........................................................................................................................................
12.   Which sentence best summarizes the information concerning chlorphyrifos, phthalates and bisphjenol A?
13.   The scientific relity of male weaknesses  mean that we need to ................................................
Write an essay or paragraph to support the following thesis statement: We need to find ways to protect the male species for the future of mankind. You will need to provide support proving that males need protection. Imagine that the whole world disagrees. Use the notes you made.

Once again, here is a relatively simple yet scientific text which appeals to adult learners of English. The text is lexically very straightforward but there are twists and turns which allow for good careful reading questions. There is a pretty obvious writing task to follow.
1.       The shortest answer: the male Y chromozome has apparently halted its disappearing act.
2.       The basic biological weaknesses that are built into the male of our species
3.       The second sentence is a restatement.
4.       Human males are disappearing.
5.       Boys in the 1970s faces 30% higher chance of death by their first birthday, back in the 1750s they were 10%...
6.       Once they make it to childhood they face other challenges.
7.       The famale is the default gender (the basic simpler model)
8.       The greater number of cell divisions
9.       The male lacks a healthy copy of the gene to fall back on
10.   The loss of key proteins for brain development or repair mechanisms in boys
11.   The lack of estrogen
12.   Some of these chemicals act like fake estrogens, others like fake testosterone but both types seem to disrupt normal development.
13.   Find ways to protect them from harm

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