Sunday, April 8, 2012


By: Brian Walsh / Chicago; Monday, Nov. 21, 2011

Published: Time Magazine;

Level of difficulty: ***

Thanks are due to Valerie Needham for sending in this fascinating text.


1.       Read the title of the text. Why do you think coal has become an issue once again?

2.       Do you think the use of coal has increased or decreased over the last ten years? Why?

3.       Do you think the use of coal will be completely abandoned or not in the near future?

4.       What are your own views concerning the use of coal?

QUESTIONS (Allow 30 minutes for the questions)

1.       Why was some of the local population of Pilsen advised to stay indoors as much as possible?

2.       Why is Fisk doing such an inordinate amount of damage?

3.       What two developments have led the environmentalists to redouble their attacks on the coal industry?

4.       What conclusion can be drawn from the information provided in paragraph five?

5.       How is the EPA planning to prevent the 34.000 premature deaths a year?

6.       What are the disadvantages of the rapid pace of regulations targeting the coal industry?

7.       What is the underlying reason for the rapid pace of new legislation targeting the coal industry?

8.       What conclusion can be drawn from the information in paragraph twelve? Use your own words.

9.       Why is tougher legislation needed despite the fact that the coal industry has been reducing air pollution over the years?

10.   For what reason is China, rather than the US, building clean coal plants?


Once you have checked your answers, go back to the text and reread it making notes all the while. When you have done so, go to and access the following article: War on Coal: Why Polluting Plants Are Shutting down Nationwide by Brian Walsh published on March 1, 2012. You will be able to find this text if you search for it on also. My experience is that Google works better than most magazines’ search sections so if all else fails, Google the title. Now read this two page article as well making notes just like you did for the first article. Last of all, argue for or against “A speedy attack on the coal industry” using your notes and your own views. I suggest you introduce the issue and round off your introduction with a thesis statement clearly stating which side you favor then have a two paragraph development dealing with the health aspect in one paragraph and the financial or economic aspect in the next. Last of all, write your conclusion. Your teacher will talk you through the details of the development.


1.       People are getting sick in Chicago because of the air. Or, Chicago’s air is very polluted.

2.       A grandfather clause in the clean air act exempts older power plants in the US of meeting higher standards; more people live within a mile of Fisk.

3.       The failed carbon cap and trade legislation; fizzling of international climate laws.

4.       The world is becoming more coal intensive.

5.       By means of regulations on…

6.       It will cost the company billions of dollars and hundreds of jobs; it will impact electricity rates.

7.       The failure of former president George W. Bush’s EPA to address air quality leaving a backlog of rule making.

8.       Air pollution regulation has various advantages.

9.       Scientists are finding danger at lower and lower levels

10.   Because of its (China’s) ravenous demand for power.

Although the reading passage and accompanying reading task does not present too great a challenge, the writing task and preceding note taking activity does so you should allow time for this. As for the organization of the development, the arguments for in the first paragraph would be the premature deaths and illnesses for instance, which could be offset with the clean coal plants (health); the arguments for in the second paragraph would be saving on hospital bills for instance, which could, in turn, be offset with job loss and all the economic disadvantages in the texts. Since the points match up so well, this is the organization I would suggest; however, it is your call. You are always welcome to refer to the Sample Essays for examples of argumentative essays.

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