Hoarding is
considered by many experts to be a problem that needs to be addressed. A
one-on-one with a therapist helps to uncover a whole can of worms the symptom
of which is the inability to throw anything away. The packrat syndrome isn’t
limited to the physical world however; there are digital packrats as well. You
may or may not be aware that you are swamped by digital clutter. However, this
task is meant to enlighten you and help you take the bull by the horns. Do you
research, take notes and write an essay on the problem of digital clutter and
how to deal with it. You will need to discuss causes, effects and solutions.
Refer to my second blog, The Essay Archive, for sample essays: https://theessayarchive.blogspot.com
Refer to my second blog, The Essay Archive, for sample essays: https://theessayarchive.blogspot.com
Familiarize yourself with the issue
declutter with me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKcJtQOUcmk
Reading material to make notes on
precious data: digital clutter and its dangers https://www.kaspersky.com/blog/my-precious-data-report-one/14093/
steps to tame dital overload https://considerable.com/digital-clutter-and-what-you-can-do/
to cut back on digital clutter https://lifehacker.com/how-to-cut-back-on-digital-clutter-and-regain-your-focu-1792299742
minimalism: how to simplify your online life https://medium.com/swlh/digital-minimalism-how-to-simplify-your-online-life-76b54838a877
digital clutter killing productivity? https://balfourcommercial.com/2018/06/11/is-digital-clutter-killing-your-productivity/
Videos to take notes from
digital clutter as an integration practice https://tamintegration.com/2018/09/clearing-digital-clutter-as-an-integration-practice/