Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Piracy off the coast of Somalia, in the western Indian Ocean, has become a very serious issue. The financial cost and the human cost have reached epic proportions. Allowing pirates to run riot in these seas is unacceptable. This being the case certain measures have been taken and certain others still need to be implemented to address the problem. Write an essay in which you discuss the solutions that have been implemented and those that are still in the pipe line. Before you do so, research the topic and make notes on what you read and listen to.
In your introduction, discuss the problem of Somali pirates, how they operate and the effects their exploits have had briefly using the notes you made while doing your research.
In the first paragraph of your development, discuss the successful solutions that have already been implemented such as placing armed guards on the bridge, wings and back of ships, applying “best management practice”; i.e., barbed wire around the deck, high freeboard ( the part of the ship which is above sea level) and having international navies patrolling the area.
In the second paragraph of your development, outline the measures that are yet to be implemented like cracking down on pirates on land, arresting and bringing the pirates to justice, focusing on underlying problems leading to piracy such as poverty, instability and the like.
In your conclusion, make a restatement or write generally about how international organizations need to act together to deal with global problems like piracy.

Refer to my second blog, The Essay Archive, for sample essays: https://theessayarchive.blogspot.com.tr/  


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