Wednesday, May 10, 2017


“They say comparison is the thief of joy. In a world where even millionaires don’t consider themselves wealthy, is the key to life satisfaction to simply stop lining ourselves up against others?”
By: Maddy Savage
Level of Difficulty:* This is a tough level *
Watch the following videos and think about the messages. They will be important for the reading task to come.
·         Why we're unhappy -- the expectation gap | Nat Ware | TEDxKlagenfurt
·         Happiness is all in your mind: Gen Kelsang Nyema at TEDxGreenville 2014
1.       What illogical mind set does the writer draw attention to at the beginning of the text? People who seem to be rolling in money feel…
2.       What logical conclusion can be drawn from the feelings of the rich as described in the text?
3.       The reason becoming richer doesn’t make people happier is the fact that the satisfaction derived from earning more money ….(Tweak the text)
4.       Why do rich people persist in an activity which obviously doesn’t make them any happier?
5.       Why is it surprising that the trend described so far is true in Sweden too?
6.       What is it that high earners who can’t get off the treadmill are unable to do in general?
7.       What major criterion of happiness do poorer people seem to have more of?
8.       Read the account of Graham’s research. Which sentence best summarizes her findings?
·         Money does bring happiness and the poor should be helped
·         Money does bring happiness but the rich can learn from the poor
·         Money doesn’t bring happiness and the rich have a lot to learn from the poor.
·         Money doesn’t bring happiness and the rich and the poor should learn from each other
9.       Check out how countries rank according to the World Happiness Index :  What attitude helped Nepal clime eight spots in the world happiness index of 2017? The tendency to…
10.   Experts are optimistic about the millenials although they seem to be unable to acquire the widely accepted tokens of wealth because…
11.   Go to the Key Findings of the US Department of commerce, scroll down to page two and study the key findings The findings indicate a shift in world view: for millenials…
12.   Why did Eileen Cho refuse to invest in a home of her own? Because otherwise …(Tweak the text)
13.   What is the take home point from the text?
Benefit from all you have read and listened to write about how to be happy and why some people just cannot be happy.
This relatively simple text is all about a profound topic: the relationship between money and happiness. The writing task draws on the videos and the reading task.
1.       They haven’t made it / they are not wealthy
2.       If we are unlikely to feel rich, no matter how much we earn, it is not really worth aspiring to get there at all.
3.       Stops increasing at some stage/ Doesn’t increase any longer at some stage
4.       Because rich people, just as the less well off, make upwards comparisons (You don’t need to write the rest)
5.       Because Sweden is a social democracy famed for work life balance rather than excess
6.       Live in the moment
7.       Societal capital
8.       The second
9.        Make downward comparisons
10.   This generation may show fewer of the negative effects of wealth(such as selfishness, narcissm and a high sense of entitlement)
11.   Making memories is more important than making money
12.   She wouldn’t have money for one trip a month

13.   People need to work out what’s right for them as individuals and learn to be happy with the really small things in life

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